Jan 2022: AATA expanding to NorCal and beyond
Thu, Jan 13
Join us for our monthly meeting presented by John Stewart!

Time & Location
Jan 13, 2022, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM PST
About the Event
Presentation Title: AATA expanding to NorCal and beyond
Speaker: John Stewart, Founder, Executive Director of AATA
Presentation Summary: The American Aerospace Technical Academy (AATA) is a Los Angeles-based 501c3 nonprofit. AATA's mission is to bring high-quality basic and advanced NDT training to the industry at a price that is affordable; so everyone especially veterans, women, minorities and disenfranchised individuals can take advantage of the great professional opportunities offered in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). AATA students receive Level I and Level II training in Radiography, Magnetic Particle, Penetrant, Ultrasonic Testing, UT Phased Array, and Visual Testing, in addition to training in Computed Radiography and Radiation Safety with a foundation in NDT Math. AATA was founded when John Stewart decided to dedicate himself full-time to helping economically disadvantaged people and veterans struggling with poor job prospects secure fulfilling careers in his field. Stewart, who over the course of his twenty-year career in NDT has trained technicians for companies such as SpaceX, Goodrich Aerospace, and Northrop Grumman, believes that by addressing inadequate STEM opportunities, one could empower youth and returning military veterans to fill the shortage of NDT professionals nationwide.
AATA recently entered a partnership with Foothill community college to offer our National and state-recognized NDT apprenticeship program to the Bay area.
Speaker Bio: John A. Stewart - Founder, Executive Director John is an ASNT Level III RT, UT, and PT, NAS 410 Level III RT, UT, PT, VT and MT NDT engineer. The AATA was founded when John decided to dedicate himself full-time to helping economically disadvantaged and veterans struggling with poor job prospects secure fulfilling careers in his field. Stewart, who over the course of his twenty-year career in NDT has trained technicians for companies such as SpaceX, Goodrich Aerospace, and Northrop Grumman, believed that by addressing inadequate STEM opportunities, one could empower youth and returning military veterans to fill the shortage of NDT professionals in many of California’s booming industries. John is a United States Navy Veteran and served as a Navy "Seabee" attached to Amphibious Construction Battalion 2.